Hello Hudson!
I never had any real desire to build this website, but here it is – TrixiesList.com!
I moved to Hudson in 2006, not knowing one person. I just wanted a getaway with my dog, a yoga mat, and internet access. The goal was seclusion – and another tax deduction.
That didn’t last. I was bored, and in 2008/9, with DJ Gio, I started Trixie’s Whorehouse, a monthly-ish dance party. In 2010, I decided it was time that Hudson had a Pride Parade. I called my good friend, Ellen Thurston, and asked her how to put together a parade. She gave me all the advice I needed. I organized people, raised money (ended up setting up TWO non-profits) and over ten years later, the parade continues – in this very LGBTQ-friendly town of Hudson, New York!
Over the years, I’ve organized countless events in town – Pride Parades, Bed Races, bar game nights like Match Game, movie nights, dance parties….blah, blah, blah… I now bake cookies, and you can find me at the Hudson Farmers’ Market on Saturdays.
In 2017, I was elected to office as Fourth Ward Alderman. I would like to say I was one of the only drag queen elected officials in the country – but for those of you who have seen me do “drag” — it’s debatable. Trixie is in a hurry – just a wig, lipstick, and some sunglasses (I don’t have time for eye makeup).
I was Chair of the City of Hudson’s Tourism Board for about a year and a half. I helped put together an excellent group of community leaders, and we sat through hours of conversations and presentations. Nothing really came of it other than the experience itself…but that’s politics!
Some of you may know me as a “drag” queen who bakes cookies, but I actually have over 25 years experience in IT (Information Technologies) – mostly project managing and implementing reconciliation/accounting and compliance systems.
For all the time that I spent in those Tourism Board meetings, I was thinking to myself, ‘I could have built a website already’.
So, here we are. I built this website, mostly because I was annoyed while sitting in meetings.
Understand, please, that this website is a WORK IN PROGRESS. I’m starting mainly with businesses that are open for takeout and delivery. You don’t have to submit 100+ other businesses that I “forgot”. I know. As the weeks go on, I plan on adding more businesses, and making this a comprehensive list. Friends have nudged me, “We need this now, Trix!”, otherwise, I would have waited.
In these times, it’s not easy to know which places are open. I’m happy to keep things updated, please contact me with any changes. If your business is open and doing takeout/delivery/pickup or something, and you’re not here, contact me. If you see your business here, you can “claim” your business on the site, and then update it yourself.
Website Features
Event Calendar – ANYONE can submit an event! I approve them. See menu option above. This feature is great and fairly self-explanatory. There’s a little calendar on the side, and you can click on the date and see the event(s)! We needed something that was agnostic from other sites, and other venues. With TrixiesList.com, you don’t have to click on every single person to invite them. YAY! If you have an event that lasts for multiple days, it will only show the FIRST day, otherwise, it’ll be too cluttered. My advice is to post the opening party, and then in the event posting, tell people how long it lasts.
Newsletter – ok, get this – the Event Calendar populates the Newsletter! YOU ONLY HAVE TO POST IT ONCE on Trixie’s List! Yes. Post it ONCE, in the calendar, and then every Wednesday after 5pm, I take the events and put them into a newsletter email for distribution on Thursdays. Done. Get your events in by Wednesday, 5pm. Ya snooze, ya looze. Sign up with the Newsletter (above) – and make sure that my email address, trixie@trixieslist.com is added as a contact – that way, the newsletter doesn’t go into your spam/junk folder.
Business Listings with Reviews – this is a work in progress – meaning, I’ll be constantly adding/amending this list – probably for years. I’m taking cues from my good friend, Ellen Thurston. Here’s where Trixie’s List is different than other websites….it’s me! Meaning, it’s a REAL person who lives in Hudson, and you can come and talk to me at the Hudson Farmers’ Market on Saturdays. If there’s some ridiculous and crazy review that you don’t want, then you do not have to try to get ahold of someone in a corporate office in California.
Smart phone and Tablet Responsive – It’s 2020. It’s a website that’s responsive to smart phones. Go figure.
Scan-able QR code – What I would ask, if you want, is a “ping-back”. Meaning, put my TrixiesList.com logo on YOUR website or maybe a nice window decal with a scan-able QR code in your window! What are people going to do when they walk down Warren Street with a coffee cup in their hands? TYPE in a url? No. Hold up your phone, get the QR code, and find out where you are going for dinner. Simple. Easy. Technology is great (when it works) – embrace it!

Community Forum – This feature is still to be tested. One of the (many) things that annoy me, for instance, is when a pet is lost, you cannot share the post in multiple FB groups, due to permission settings. Now, you can post the missing pooch on TrixiesList.com! Take a post and copy/paste away. You can do that with garage sales, estate sales, etc. Forum topics are subject to change. Every comment is approved, so be nice and polite! There’s no reason to not be polite.
More coming – I have more features, tips & tricks, VIDEOS and other fun stuff to add!
Advertise – Ad rates are $25/month. First month free. I’ll put your (200x200px) logo on the site, AND if you are doing a sale or something special, for advertisers, a once/month SPECIAL post. Site is updated daily. Google analytics is on every page – so, I can give you real statistics on page views. Advertising upload and payment page available on Monday 4/27.
TA-DAH! If you would like to help publicize, please let me know. I have postcards for your store/lodging room and window decals for your window. Just CONTACT me or visit me at the Hudson Farmers’ Market on Saturdays, (pink tent) and I’ll hand them to you.
Thank you!
Very super cool!
Wow……really needed at a time like this! Thanks for the incredible effort to put this list together.
Yeah! Go Trixie. This is so needed and appreciate ??
Amazing!!!! This is so wonderful. The only bad thing is it made me realize how very much I miss hearing your hilarious zingers in person! Thank you for all you do for Hudson!
I’m so happy this is happening! Thanks for making the space.
Trixie! Thank you for doing this. What about a way to list ongoing things like classes on YouTube? I tried entering it as event, but there is no.beginning or end date so I think it won’t upload.
At the bottom of the SUBMIT an event, after the dates, there’s a check box for Event Repeating. Once you click that, you get the option to put in multiple (consistent) dates.
Thanks Trix
You are awesome! This is so great!
You know you have my support and love with this! Anything you need…let me know!
Thanks for doing this, and I love your story.
great stuff – looking forward to a one-stop spot to find all things Hudson – mixed with some sarcasm, a wig, lipstick and beard stubble! What more could we ask for! xx -rob
TERRIFIC SPIRIT on your part, Trixie
Well done Rich!
Yipee! Carolyn Lawrence
Ellen’s List grows up.
Best wishes,
and to think…..you didn’t want to do this. You’re a natural!
How fun and smart is this! Kudos to you Trixie . You done Ellen proud!
Thank You