The Hudson Area Library will be participating at two locations along Warren Street in Hudson Hall’s Winter Walk: The Hudson Safe Edition, running from December 5 – 24.

At 417 – 419 Warren Street passersby will delight in the wintry and holiday images from Hudson’s history, along with the holiday magic of a running train set and trolley. And, in Public Square, the library will reprise their Tween Advisory Council’s winter hut, honoring favorite children’s literary characters including Peter from Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats, Harry Potter, and Gerald from the Elephant and Piggy series by Mo Willems.

Photo Credit: Howard Gibson
For more photos from Howard Gibson, please visit the website, here.
417 – 419 Warren Street will feature images from the library’s History Room collections including photographs from Rowles Studio, Neefus Photographers, and Howard Gibson, home movies of South Front Street recorded between 1939-1966 by Jozef Cipkowski, and historic maps from 1871, 1881, and 1923.
Brenda Shufelt, History Room Coordinator adds, “We are so excited to be able to show some of the treasures from our library’s History Room in our Winter Walk display at 417-419 Warren Street; and all in the midst of the wonderful train sets from the original Elijah Slocum store windows! During this pandemic the library has striven to serve the community through curbside pick up, patron visits by appointment, virtual programming, one-on-one Job Search, Tech and Reference and Local History Research Help. We also have worked to support many of the wonderful community-based organizations helping children and their families with needs from food to laptops and hot spots to information on local resources. We celebrate our community, our history, and the wonderful sense of community in Hudson.”
View images of Santa arriving by helicopter to the delight of Hudson’s children; Public Square, covered in snow, with the statue of Venus rising from the sea; Warren Street during the snowstorm of 1958; ice skaters at Oakdale Pond in the early 1900s, among other historic images.
In addition, the home movies of life on South Front Street before urban renewal will be played throughout the days and nights of Winter Walk. And, the models of historic Hudson area buildings and train set and trolley, for years a beloved part of winter displays in the windows of the antique business Elijah Slocum, will run once more throughout Winter Walk!
Also, on view are the library’s three unique maps of Hudson from 1871, 1881, and 1923. Archival quality copies of these maps are for sale and make excellent holiday gifts. To learn more visit hudsonarealibrary.org/history-room.
The library thanks Robert Rasner, who with his wife Marie Rasner owns The Inn at 34, for loaning and setting up the historic building models, trains and trolleys; Peter Cipkowski for digitizing and making available his grandfather’s home movies; and the Tween Advisory Council and their parents for the original winter hut creation.