Coxsackie, New York
When was the last time you went to the drive-in? Last week? Last year? Last millennium?
If you have not been in a while, then get ready! A lot has changed, and the Hi-Way Drive-In, in nearby Coxsackie, New York, offers a COVID-safe and family-friendly night out!
The clunky speakers are no more. Instead, you tune into a local radio channel for sound. This speaker sits in the concession area like a museum relic.
There are FOUR huge projection screens! The center house projects in four different directions. Today’s digital projections offer excellent picture quality.
You can set up a blanket on the grass and as the sun goes down, watch the bats come out of the woods and fly against the big white screen. It’s so much fun!
Kong vs. Godzilla was rather full, so get there early, and understand that the concession line could take some time (potatoes can’t fry themselves…).
Some folks come with their pick-up trucks, park backwards, and their kids watch under the stars in sleeping bags in the back. Bring your lawn chairs with cup holders. You could sit inside your car to watch, but if it’s nice out, you’ll want to sit outside.
Why am I encouraging you to go now? In early spring, the sun sets earlier than the summer. Movie start time is now around 8pm – as the summer progresses and the days get longer, movies start later. For $10/person, you get to watch a double feature – so prepare to stay a while into the night. They are only open weekend nights until Memorial Day.
You can buy some 35mm film and crank up your projector.
Save your ticket stub for the raffle and win free food.
Worried that the pups at home will have to go out if you’re in Coxsackie for a double feature? Don’t worry – BRING THEM! The Hi-Way Drive-In is dog-friendly. Woof! Woof!
Support the local drive in and help keep them going.
Great article! The Hi-Way Drive-In will greatly appreciate this! Enjoying movies on the big screen in the great outdoors in the fresh air is the way to go!
Great movies, great food, great company to enjoy it with! Can’t beat the price!