Michael Schachner with Ricky, Dennis and Lisa of Poured Candle Bar
I don’t drink wine…well, not really. If I’m at a dinner party and everyone is drinking wine, sure, pour me a glass. If I’m going to a party, I’ll walk into the wine store and ask the clerk to pick a bottle out for me.
Tonight at Poured Candle Bar, after Michael Schachner’s Aromaster Class, all that has changed!
Now, I have a clue. Maybe half a clue – but I’m no longer clueless!
We sat at the bar, eight glasses of wine in front of us – four whites, four reds – with a nice plate of hummus and vegetables.
As we sniffed and sipped from each glass, Michael walked us through them, and explained each one. What region of the world is the wine from? How is the wine grown? Why does it matters – and can you taste the difference?
The first white wine, Granbazán 2020 Etiqueta Ambar Albariño from Galicia Spain, was a light, sweet wine from the north west part of Spain, by the sea. It was cool and fruity, perfect for fish, salads, or maybe some seabass with lemon.
By the time we tasted the fourth glass, the Riesling, you were very aware of the difference. Grown in the Alsace region, in vineyards that dated back hundreds of years, you tasted the minerals and soil from the deep roots of the vines.
Dennis and Ricky from Poured Candle Bar hand-crafted scented candles to match the taste of the wines.
Watch for the next Aromaster Class at Poured Candle Bar, and make an evening out of it. You’ll learn something!
Plus, as the evening went on, and everyone was drinking, you had more fun!
Adam, Jack, and Matt – as they said – “only four letters per name.”
Maybe wine is not your thing?
Check out comedian Rachel Feinstein at Poured Candle Bar on Thursday, October 21st. Click here for more info and tickets. Here’s a clip. She’s hilarious!
Opening act, local comedian Shawn Hollenbach!
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