Tours are available only from July to October of this year, which departs from Athens and Hudson.
The schedules are:
We are pleased to announce that Catskill Mountain Ferry Company will be the new transportation provider for tours of the Hudson-Athens Lighthouse for the 2022 Summer season.
We welcome the boat, “Haendel” to Hudson. Due to the larger capacity of the boat (24) we have changed our tour schedule and now offer longer tours twice a month.
2nd Saturday tours will depart from Athens Riverfront Park and 4th Saturday tours will depart from Henry Hudson Riverfront Park.
The tour is an opportunity to learn about the important role that the Hudson River played in the development of the upper Hudson River Towns and the role that the Hudson-Athens lighthouse plays in the safe navigation of river transportation.
Expanding tour times will allow for visitors to have enough time to tour the lighthouse, watch the video on Hudson River history narrated by Emily Brunner, who lived on the lighthouse as a child and participated in tours until her early 90’s. There will also be an opportunity to see a video of the early founders of HALPS and the initial restoration of the lighthouse. Videos run on a continual loop and can be joined at any time.

On Sunday, June 26th, the Hudson Athens Lighthouse Preservation Society held a fundraiser to help raise money and awareness about the lighthouse that sits between the two communities. The Preservation Society owns the deed to the lighthouse, and many repairs are currently underway, including the roof.
Over the years, the pilings under the lighthouse, encased in mud, have slowly been exposed and deteriorated, a scouring effect by the elements and boat traffic.
The plan is to raise enough funds to surround the pilings with sheet metal. The cost will be anywhere between $4-6 million dollars.

Photos above from the fundraiser event, photo credit: TrixiesList.com
See the letter from the US Lighthouse Service appointing Emil Brunner to his post at the Hudson-Athens light in 1930. Read some of the duties required of a lighthouse keeper. Check out Emily’s personal story and take in the 360 degree view from the tower. Children can ring the newer fog bell. Picnic tables are provided for those who want to bring a lunch or just sit and enjoy the surroundings. One never knows what surprises they’ll see – cargo ships on their way to the Port of Albany, a lost harbor seal, a nesting bald eagle, a fisher climbing a tree on shore, the casual fisherman, kayaker, paddle boarder, or even a deer swimming from Middle Ground Flats to shore.
For safety reasons, we ask that visitors wear sturdy shoes (not flip flops or high heels.) Picnic tables are available if you wish to bring a lunch. There are public restrooms in Henry Hudson Riverfront Park and a portalets in Athens. A composting toilet is available at the lighthouse. Souvenirs are available. (cash or check preferred, credit cards with hot spot) ATM at nearby Amtrak station in Hudson. Visitors are asked to bring their own water if needed.
For reservations (strongly recommended), please go to www.catskillmountainferry.com. Or call 914-589-7773.
Walk-ins will be accepted on a space available basis. Payment may be in cash or paid online through your phone by going to www.catskillmountainferry.com.
Due to the increased cost of fuel, insurance and boat crew, ticket prices have risen slightly.
Adults are $30, Seniors 65+ $27, Children ages 15 and under $20 and
Infants 2 and under are free. There are no member discounts. Please stop at the HALPS table on your way to the boat.
Be sure to take advantage of the other opportunities offered by Catskill Mountain Ferry. There are sunset cruises on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday and Ferry services between Hudson and Athens on Saturday and Sunday and occasionally sightseeing tours.
This is the first change in tour providers in 18 years so we appreciate your patience as we tweak the procedures. Keep checking our Facebook page, Instagram, website or email info@halps.org for the latest information.
Special tours may be possible for small groups. Additionally, the use of the lighthouse for private and corporate events, location shoots, or engagement photos are one of the many ways people can help Hudson-Athens Lighthouse Preservation Society raise money to pay for the preservation of the Lighthouse which is owned solely by HALPS. Please visit the membership page to learn how to become a member or volunteer. The Lighthouse has been used for weddings, birthdays, reunions and private parties. Contact events@hudsonathenslighthouse.org or info@halps.org for further information
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