By Romeo Barkley

Has a summer filled with fruit pies, ice cream, and root beer floats got you thinking you should firm up that summer body? Or maybe you’ve enjoyed enough outdoor hikes in the heatwave and are craving a little fitness with air conditioning? Trix has previously written about LYF Fitness, KS Fitness and the “secret gem”, Planet Fitness – just make sure you know which side you’re on – the left side of the gym plays MSNBC, the right side Fox….
It’s time to hit up Kate Devine’s barre class at Pilates Hudson.

Her class is a nice change of pace from the disco bitch scene of regular pilates, barre and spin classes. A carefully curated playlist somehow leaves you relaxed and energized. Don’t be fooled into thinking the low impact won’t have an impact on your tush, you will feel it the next day and throughout the day, but in the most glorious ‘connected to your body vibe’ and not in the “oh no— need epsom salts bath way.” If you can’t make it to the class— check out her digital sessions on MoodBarre.
Kate’s a spicy pepper with an infectious laugh – there is no better way to prep for a day filled with farm-fresh Green Acres Pie….

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PS – rumor has it (from the parking meter man) that the best root beer float is from A&W on Route 66, right outside of the city line … just in case you need more inspiration to hit up a fitness class….