Hi Hudson,
First of all, the most important news of the week, the Sasquatch was updated again:

This Week
I don’t know who updates the Sasquatch, but THANK YOU!
I also don’t know who the Hudson Wail or the Greenport Wail is, but the Hudson Wail reminded me of the dollar sweet potato pie desserts from Kennedy Fried Chicken – a previous tenant of the Barnfox space (or was it Culture Cream?).
In two unrelated news topics, this building on Warren got a makeover, and the Tootsie rolls returned to Planet Fitness. I asked if Planet Fitness was going to bring back bagel mornings and pizza nights – they were not able to confirm.

I have an unofficial contest for the funniest sidewalk sign
This week, Hudson Bagels wins. Send me your fav.
Here’s some pictures of leaves on trees in case you don’t leave the house. Ha! Ha! Ha!

Have you ever been to the Ghent Playhouse? If you drive up Route 66, as you go over the hill (and the speed limit sharply decreases to 30), there’s a little water fountain. In front of the fountain, before you get to the Bartlett House, is the Ghent Playhouse.

I saw “Buyers and Cellar” last weekend, starring ONLY Sam Reilly – a one-man show. The show begins with a disclaimer that is it complete fiction. The premise of the play is a line or two from Barbra Streisand’s style book “My Passion for Style”. Barbra describes her house and her basement. The basement is a mock Main Street with little shoppes that store Barbra’s antiques, dolls, and other items including a yogurt and popcorn machine. The main character gets a job staffing one of the faux shoppes in Barbra Streisand’s basement. Barbra, the only client, visits maybe once a day to browse the items she already owns.
You have to just go with it, as the character does.
It’s a great show. Totally worth it. Click here for tickets and info. Tickets are about $25.
Sam Reilly does an amazing job, as multiple characters, including Barbra. He is the only person on stage for almost two hours – with an INSANE amount of lines to memorize!
The premise is completely bizarro-world, but at the same time, not unbelievable! I was transfixed the entire time (and I was up at 3:30am that day baking cookies).
This weekend is the last weekend, but there’s other great shows at the Ghent Playhouse coming soon.
A show like this is what you can talk about at an upcoming dinner or cocktail party! (Stay away from politics at the moment…) It’s a plot that your friends are not going to believe – and they are not going to believe that it happened in that quaint little theater house in Ghent.
Read the interview with Sam Reilly here.
“Buyers and Cellars”: This outrageously funny and irresistible one-man play from the most peculiar of fictitious premises – a struggling L.A. actor takes a job working in Barbra Streisand’s Malibu, California basement – makes for some delicious wit and insight on the solitude of celebrity, the love-hate attraction between gay men and divas, and the melancholy that lurks beneath the narcissism.

Read about The Ghent Playhouse here.
What else did I do this week? I went to the new Mexican place on Fairview by the Staples, that used to be La Bella’s Pizza. It’s called Mi Rancho Alegre, which I looked up, and google translates tells me it means, “My Happy Ranch”. I’m going with that.
I was definitely happy there.
My “friends” told me, “Oh, you went there? We’ve been there twice already?”
What? Some friends!
The menu is huge, the drinks, and drink menu, is ridiculously huge. I ordered, as usual, the gayest drink on the menu (if I can’t get a Malibu-rum Seabreeze) – a strawberry daiquiri inside a pineapple – with the rum bottle insert upside down. My friend ordered the Beer-ita, a bottle of Corona upside down in a mug filled with a margherita.
The restaurant is as big as the menu. There’s a back room, study tables and chairs, horse paintings, and fun music.
We went on a Friday at 7pm, and there was a twenty minute wait for a table. The place was packed! My advice? Don’t go then. Try an off-hour.
As the neon sign says, “Feed me taco and tell me I’m pretty!”

See you around town, Hudson!
The Great Give Back: Coat Drive
Throughout October
Hudson Area Library
Events listed in Chronological Order (ish)
The Rocky Horror Show
(fully-staged musical)

Opening Weekend
Byrdcliffe Theater, Woodstock, NY
Fri Oct 21, 7:30 pm | Sat Oct 22, 7:30 pm | Sun Oct 23, 6:00 pm
Dark Cabaret, Delta Blues
& Dance Party w/Disappointer Sisters (DJ)
Friday, October 21st – 8pm
Avalon Lounge

Hudson Farmers’ Market
Saturday, October 22rd
Columbia and 6th Street
Family Weekend Concert
Saturday, October 22nd – 8pm
Sunday, October 23rd – 2pm
Fisher Center at Bard
Live Music
at the Hudson Roastery

Saturday, October 22nd – 7:30pm
Hudson Roastery
Thursdays – Saturday evenings at 7:30pm and
Sundays at 2:00pm from October 13-23
Bridge Street Theatre, Catskill
Inspiring Partnerships to Protect
Inspiring Views with Scenic Hudson

Saturday, October 22nd – 3pm
Olana Historic Site
Sunday, October 23rd – 10am-4pm
Temple Israel of Catskill
Tales from Hudson’s Crypts
Sunday, October 23rd – 12-1:30pm
Hudson City Cemetery
Hudson Area Library Nonfiction Book Group

Monday, October 24th – 6-7:00pm
Hudson Area Library
Pumpkin Painting with Ms. Kathy!
Wednesday, October 26th – 5-6:30pm
Hudson Area Library
Fall 2022 Close Readings in a Virtual Space
Multiple Days/Times – via Zoom
Click here for details
Colonial New York as a Model for our Nation
Thursday, October 27th – 6-7pm
Hudson Area Library
Thursday, October 27th – 6pm
Hudson Hall
Open Mic w/LOKI : Halloween Special
Friday, October 28th – 8-11pm
Trunk or Treat: Firefighter Edition
Saturday, October 29th – 10am-12pm
FASNY Museum of Firefighting
Arte y Lugares Especiales
Art and Special Places
Saturday, October 29th – 12-1:30pm
Olana State Historic Site
Kaatsbaan Fall Open House
with Native American Hoop Dance

Saturday, October 29th – 2-6:30pm
Kaatsbaan Cultural Park, Tivoli
Trick or Treat in the Park
Saturday, October 29th – 2-4pm
Fashion Auction and
After Party to Benefit AnimalKind

Caturday, October 29th – 7pm
Etsy Building
Carnegie Hall Preview: The Lost Generation
Saturday, October 29th at 7:00pm
Sunday, October 30th at 2:00pm
Fisher Center
Hudson Halloween 2022
Sunday, October 30th 2-5pm
Warren Street – sponsored by Hudson Hall
22nd Annual Ghostly Gallop
5K and One-Mile Kids Fun Run

Sunday, Oct. 30th – 9:30am-Noon
Hudson Jr/Sr High School

Friday, November 4th – 8:00-10:00pm
Fisher Center
Friday, November 4th & Saturday, November 5th – 7pm
Hudson Hall
Park and Gallery Introduction Tour
Saturday, November 5th – 1:00-2:15pm
Hudson Tweed Ride
Sunday, November 6th – 3pm
Warren and Front Streets
Local History Talk Celebrates Life of Firefighter Harry Howard

Thursday, November 10th – 6-8:00pm
Hudson Area Library
Oakdale Rewilding Project
Part 4
Saturday, November 12th – 10am-12:30pm
Oakdale Park
1st Annual Bacchus Barley & Bounty

Saturday, November 12th – 6-9pm
Hudson Hall
Saturday, November 19th – 7pm
Hudson Hall
Berlin im Licht: A German Cabaret
Saturday, November 19th – 8pm
Fisher Center
Operatic Soprano in Concert

Sunday, November 20th – 3-5pm
Temple Israel of Catskill
HUNG With Care:
A Queer Holiday Burlesque Spectacular!
Sunday, November 27th – 7pm
WAMC – The Linda Theater – Albany
Winter Walk 2022
Saturday, December 3rd – 5-8pm
Warren Street – Sponsored by Hudson Hall
Friday, December 9th – 6pm
Hudson Hall
Sunday, December 11th – 3pm
Hudson Hall
Paige Turner’s DRAG Me to Christmas
Sunday, December 11th – 7pm
WAMC – The Linda Theater, Albany
KWANZAA with Operation Unite

Saturday, December 17th – 5:00-7:00pm
Hudson Hall
ON-GOING Events/Exhibitions
Game Night at Bar Bene
Mondays at 7:30pm
Bar Bene
Fall Storytimes at Hudson Area Library

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
Folktales & Stories, Bilingual Storytime / Hora de cuentos bilingüe, Movement & Music
September – November
Tuesdays, 5-6pm
Hudson Hall
Wednesdays – 5-6pm
Hudson Hall
Open Mic with Loki
Fridays – 8-10pm
On View: September 22nd – November 13th
Paul Nueckel: Recent Work
On View: September 30 – October 30, 2022
510 Warren Street
Chatham Farmers & Makers Market

Fridays – 4:30-7:30pm
Crellin Park, Chatham
Thursdays starting July 7th – 7-9pm
Lightforms Art Center