The Hudson Dog Park’s location, around North 2nd and Mill Streets, used to be the home of the Foster Refrigerator Corporation. When I first moved to Hudson in 2006, the Foster’s office was openly abandoned, as if people went out for lunch and did not come back. You could look in a window and see offices with telephones and Rolodexes. It took a while before a chain link fence was put around the building.
John Farley was a spirited person who introduced me to Hudson and sent me these photos. The photos were sitting in an email folder. One of the dogs stepped on the keyboard while I was out of the house this week, and opened it. I had forgotten all about them.
There’s no establishing exterior shot, but this is what I have. If you knew Farley, who used to live on North 5th, you will understand why these are the pictures he sent me. (I have another picture, but it’s not “safe for work”….I’ll leave it at that.)
In the middle of the night, Farley did guerilla flower plantings throughout Hudson. When you see a patch of daffodils on 9G or down by the waterfront, that’s his effort.