Taking place on Warren Street in Hudson, Saturday, December 7th from 5:00pm to 8:00pm The Foundry at Hudson, in partnership with the City of Hudson, announce that this year’s Winter Walk festival will burst to life with over 56 attractions and performers, 39 street vendors and at least 72 shops open late.
“We’ve been aiming to create a feeling of nighttime magic, enchantment and all out exuberance on Warren Street,” says The Foundry at Hudson Executive Director, Tim Banker, “but to do that involves the energy and participation of the whole community. And that’s exactly what we’ve seen happen with so many businesses and municipal organizations rallying to make it special. Plus, we’re featuring new decorations this year and two new festival stages which we hope will be a big hit. We want the entire region to come out and enjoy it.”
The performers on the two new Winter Walk stages are both local to the region and from New York City. On one stage, the Bindlestiff Family Cirkus which has its roots in the city of Hudson, will perform feats of acrobatics and clowning along with Forro in the Dark, a percussive ensemble from Brooklyn performing music from Brazil. Two bands from the Capitol Region will be featured on the other Winter Walk stage including Doc Horton and the Jay Street Band performing holiday hits and tunes from the Motown era along with Alex Torres and His Latin Orchestra, a 12-piece ensemble performing upbeat Latin dance music. Beyond these stages, over dozens of street and in-store performers will also participate contributing more music, more theatrics and more fun to the night.
Over 34 Warren Street shops are participating in the traditional Winter Walk Window Decorating Contest by decorating their windows in elaborate and quirky ways to celebrate the holiday season. Awards celebrating some of the most outstanding windows will be given out by a special Winter Walk Window Committee the night of December 6th. As in past years, Santa Claus will be giving out free books to children inside at Hudson Hall on Warren Street. Fireworks presented by Hudson Hall begin at 8pm.
“While there’s so much that’s new and exciting this year, the festival stays true to its cherished traditions. One highlight is the beautiful holiday evergreen provided by our dedicated police department, proudly standing in 7th Street Park. This spot will also serve as the magical location for ‘Santa’s Village,’ bringing joy to families and visitors alike.” – Mayor Kamal Johnson
The Foundry at Hudson has published information and an interactive map of Winter Walk activities at www.winterwalk2024.org. Visitors can use the map to navigate their own experience of Winter Walk by selecting for performers, shops, vendors or features they wish to seek out. As in past years, Hudson’s Warren Street will be closed to traffic beginning at 4pm. Municipal lots and street parking beyond Warren Street remain available for festival attendees.
For more information please contact:
Tim Banker, Executive Director of the Foundry at Hudson – tbanker@foundryhudson.org
Mayor Kamal Johnson, City of Hudson – mayor@cityofhudson.org
Mayoral Aide Justin Weaver, City of Hudson- mayoralaide@cityofhudson.org