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I am always looking for events – and how to save money. I grabbed this flier from the Stewart’s bulletin board. Here’s a nearby event which will help you save money. Win-Win!
The six-hour defensive driving class will save you 10% off your car insurance premium for the next three years. A quick calculation – if you are paying $1500/year in car insurance, and you can save 10% or $150, then over three years, that’s $450 less the $50 cost of the class. You could save $400 in six hours. Why not? The price of eggs may not come down for a while.
I took a defensive driving class when I first moved to Hudson in 2006. Even though I had a driver’s license when I lived on Long Island, I was car-less in Manhattan throughout the 90s. I used my driver’s license as my ID and never had any problems until a TSA Agent at Boston’s Logan Airport in early 2002 told me that my license was expired. I was like, “Oh.” He was the only one who ever checked – go figure.
If I wanted to drive upstate I needed a license, and I had to start from square one. I took the written test and sat in the driver’s ed classroom in Hudson.
I remember showing up to Driver’s Ed bright-eyed with a cup of coffee and a brand new notebook and pen, ready to take notes. It was a class. I was studious. I come from a family of high school teachers – math, business, and physics. Childhood backyard family gatherings quickly became reminders that a wheelbarrow is a second-class level with the wheel acting as the fulcrum. If you don’t want to talk politics at the family dinner table, you can venture an opinion on the best age to start collecting social security to spur a lively (or deadly) actuarial debate.
Back in 2006, I sat in Hudson’s driver’s ed class for two hours and the only note I wrote in my brand new notebook was, “Do not drive drunk”. Today, if I took the class again, I’m sure I would add, “Do not text and drive.”
My point is – show up and take the six-hour class, get the credit, and save some money on your car insurance. What else are you doing on a Saturday morning other than going to the Farmers’ Market? You do it once, you don’t have to do it again for three years. Hopefully, you see your dentist more often.
A six-hour class may be long, but it’s not trig. No one is going to ask you to calculate the area under a curve – although if you want, I can give you my mother’s email address and she’ll happily walk you through it.