Hello Hudson!
We live in a world where a social media platform can either be taken down instantly or, the platform itself is a symbol of controversial political beliefs.
Have no fear – Trixie’s List is not part of the oligarchy!
Well, if dominating the freshly-baked cookie market of Hudson (at least during certain months, and then only on Saturdays) is a monopolistic practice, then yes, GUILTY!
But Trixie’s List is not part of the social media giants, and this simple WordPress website sits on a server I rent (not from Amazon). Every Trixie’s List event posted is manually verified by a local Hudsonian (me), and not scraped by a bot. All images are manually resized and exported for web-viewing purposes (me). Every page and email blast is manually cut and pasted together (also, me).
Having been raised Catholic, I believe that everything I do must be laborious, painful, and require a great deal of personal sacrifice. (This also explains why I’m involved in local government).
I do use FB/IG to help promote certain posts, however, this month, to move away from the oligarchy, I branched off into substack and Rural Intelligence.
Why not? Years ago, when I told my grandmother I was getting a yoga teacher certificate, her response was, “Don’t you have enough to do?”
My substack posts will be writings not necessarily Hudson related. Rural Intelligence posts will be area-related.
If you want to read my latest substack post, here it is:
No Cameras Allowed
What do you do when you’re sitting in the Sistine Chapel on Thanksgiving and you cannot take a picture with your phone?
My latest Rural Intelligence story:
Local Writer Teaches Your Body
to Unleash Your Mind

(Photos Provided by Alicia Johnson)

Thanks for reading!