When I saw the Shenanigan’s Mint Dairy Shake – Limited Edition – in the refrigerator case at Stewart’s, a few thoughts ran through my head:
How does this taste?
Could I write off the $2.19 as ‘research’ work?
If I write this up and post it by Friday afternoon, can I (Stewart ice cream) scoop the Columbia County Meme Coalition?
The Shenanigan mint dairy shake container has an expiration date of 3/18. I am curious if the expiration date refers to the mint dairy shake’s contents or concept? Or both?
I read the label. There are 330 calories per serving and two servings in this little bottle. I said to myself, I’m not drinking this whole thing. If I’m going to spend the calories, it’s not going to be on a mint dairy shake.
I had a taste.
That was enough.
It tasted like melted mint chocolate chip ice cream without the fun chocolate flavor.
Subconsciously, as it coated my mouth, I thought, at least it’ll settle my stomach.
The Shenanigan mint dairy shake triggered a past MYLANTA memory. It did not settle my stomach.

I looked around Stewart’s. They now sell small packages of Entenmann’s crumb cakes! If I buy a small package (with a similar calorie count as a bottle of Shenanigan) then I will SAVE CALORIES. I rationalized that a small package is better because I don’t have to buy a whole box of Entenmann’s crumb cake and leave it on the kitchen counter with a knife inside to ‘even out’ the edges every time I pass.
If you’re going to use the calories –
Shenanigan mint dairy shake? PASS
Entenmann’s Crumb Cakes? SMASH
Hudson has decent bagels, pizza, and now Entenmann’s. You never have to go downstate again.

Addendum: More on Crumb Cake:
I recommend buying a FEW packages of Entenmann’s Crumb Cakes and stashing them – put one in your cupboard, one in the glove compartment, and one in your purse or satchel alongside the condoms and tampons.
Use it for emergencies. You could be out to “dinner” with friends, and the four of you just spent $125/each on cocktails with tapas and small plates. You and your friends will sit back say, “we feel so full.” Meanwhile, in the back of your mind, you’ll be thinking about that package of Entenmann’s Crumb Cakes in the glove compartment!
Don’t worry about the crumb cake expiration date! If you’re eating crumb cake out of your glove compartment, does it even matter?
It will last forever – it might survive the next apocalypse. If The Day After is a reality, my plan is to run into JLE’s nuclear fallout shelter and lock the door behind me. Your investment in Bitcoin will be useless. Cans of tuna and packages of crumb cakes will be the new currency.