Artists Open Studios
Explore the studios of the artists-in-residence, along with special pop-up performances and installations. An intimate glimpse into the work of international artists in residence at Art Omi. Featuring artists from a range of disciplines and techniques—from painters to sound artists to social practice, you’re invited to take a trip around the art world without leaving the Studio Barns!
Art Omi: Artists 2022 Residents are:
- Karíma Al-Mukhtarová
- Marija Ančić
- Regine Basha, Critic in Residence
- Julia Carrillo
- Cristian Chironi
- Sandra Dinnendahl López
- Irene Dionisio
- Mark Fleuridor
- Sylvie Fortin, Critic Emerita
- Ania Freer
- María Ibarretxe
- Soukaina Joual
- Janie Julien-Fort
- Yujin Lee
- Kathy Liao
- Hagar Masoud
- Laith McGregor
- Engy Mohsen
- Leticia Obeid
- Yapci Ramos
- Sa’dia Rehman
- Nooshin Rostami
- Jimena Schlaepfer
- Sagarika Sundaram
- Thierry Tomety