Why advertise on TrixiesList.com?
TrixiesList.com is Hudson’s hyper-local website!
TrixiesList.com provides local residents and tourists with information on businesses, events, destinations and day trips – all with original photos and interviews!
TrixiesList.com pinpoints over 100 local businesses with a Business Location Map.
TrixiesList.com contains all ORIGINAL CONTENT – photos, text, and video – created and written by local residents of Hudson, New York.
TrixiesList.com can be viewed on smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. Over half of Trixie’s List viewers read the website on their mobile devices.
TrixiesList.com distributes walking maps (5,000 maps x 2 times/year) throughout Columba County. The maps are located in hotels, lodging rooms, coffee shops, and in local businesses.
TrixiesList.com contains Google analytics code on every page, providing details statistics of viewership.
TrixiesList.com‘s mailing list and instagram account, each with over 1,000 subscribers/followers, helps get the word out in and around the City of Hudson. An email blast goes out once/week with all website updates.
Option 1:
$200 – One Year – 12 months sidebar and newsletter advertising with interview
- Twelve months of sidebar advertising – 200×200 pixel ad
- Ad included in weekly newsletter.
- Interview with photos
- Business Listing on TrixiesList.com
- One year of event advertising
- Promotion via Trixie’s List Facebook and Instagram accounts
Option 2:
$50 – Sponsored Content
- One time highlighted blog post and event listing – photos and text
- Business Listing on TrixiesList.com
Option 3:
$25/monthly Re-bill Sidebar Ad
- 200×200 pixel sidebar ad
- Ad included in weekly newsletter
- Business Listing on TrixiesList.com
- Billing renews every 30 days until you cancel.
All payments can be made with paypal and/or any debit/credit card by clicking one of the blue buttons above.
If you would like to pay via invoice, please contact me here.
Ads will be posted within 48 hours after payment.

This is 200×200 pixels

Over 50% of TrixiesList.com viewers are reading on their mobile devices!
Advertise with TrixiesList.com – mobile-friendly event and listings site!