Breakneck Boys
Imagine hiking to the top of a mountain ridge, sun setting, cool summer air moving through the trees. Ahead in a clearing you notice a freshly lit camp fire and hear music rising with the flames. As you move closer, the musicians notice your approach and motion for you to join them. You have a seat next to the fire as the music plays on. You sit back and let the sounds move through you as you ponder the emerging constellations, the road you have traveled, and the journeys ahead. After each song ends everyone pauses to laugh, hearts full, wondering “what should we play next?”
The Breakneck Boys are a roots Americana band with inspirations ranging from folk to rock, from musical theater, to jam, to jazz. Finding kinship with The Band, The Grateful Dead, The Wood Brothers, Dylan, Billy Strings, Greensky Bluegrass and the Decemberists, the band takes these musical traditions and creates songs that find meaning in the natural world around us, in our connections to one another, and that power of story and lore to open hearts, inspire, and remember the simple things that we so often overlook. We hope you’ll join us soon for a sonic ramble through the mountains of the Hudson Highlands, just follow the trail markers, we’ll be there waiting!