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Classical Music Concert: Lofty Goals – To Leave the Audience Transformed

Co-founder of the organization Jazz and Classics for Change, Gili Melamed-Lev carefully balances the selections included in each concert.  Her goal is  ”to present the most inspiring, most beautiful pieces in the chamber repertoire.”  Hear her choices at  A Classical Afternoon at Tydeman Farm  in Germantown on Saturday, September 9th beginning at 4PM.  For tickets, go to www.JazzandClassicsforChange.org.


GERMANTOWN – “Every program is put together in a different way,” says pianist Gili Melamed-Lev, co-founder of Jazz and Classics for Change. “We always have to consider whom we are playing for, the venue, the musicians; the process always changes.”

Take the next scheduled performance, for example.  A Classical Afternoon at Tydeman Farm will be held on September 9th in a beautiful 19th century Germantown barn beginning at 4PM.  Tickets can be obtained through the website www.JazzandClassicsforChange.org.

Melamed-Lev says she has always loved the Double Cello Quintet by Schubert.  “Even though I don’t play in it,” the pianist says, “it has been on my list for many years as a piece I’ve wanted to present to our audience.  I always try to select the most inspiring, most beautiful pieces in the chamber repertoire.  This Schubert certainly qualifies.”

The Ghent resident cites the goal of JCFC when putting the program together.  “Our mission is to connect and heal through music in our changing world.  I always try to create a program that will leave the audience transformed – filled with a sense of beauty and harmony.”

And she often includes contemporary composers along with those considered part of a standard repertoire.  “It’s important to balance the program,” she explains.  “In this case the Schubert is quite long, so I’ve included two shorter pieces, one movement from Brahms Piano Quartet in G minor and the contemporary composer, Arvo Part’s Speigel im Speigel.” The main criteria, though is inspiration.  “When the audience leaves the space, I hope they feel transformed.  I hope they are thinking, ‘I want more.’  And for the young children in the audience, ‘I want to come again.  I want to play the violin.’  In all cases, it’s the use of music to lift up individuals.  “I want to create a program that will reach their hearts.”

The concert will include Joana Genova and Jamecyn Morey – violins, Ariel Rudiakov – viola, Roberta Cooper and Julian Muller – cellos, and Melamed-Lev on piano.  For tickets, go to www.JazzandClassicsforChange.org


Sep 09 2023


4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

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Tydeman Farm
Tydeman Farm
564 County Rte. 10, Germantown, NY
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