Day of Service
Friends of the Public Square, Hudson is joining forces with the Hudson Rotary Club‘s “Day of Service” to mulch around the trees and shrubs of the Public Square [7th Street park] on Saturday, May 20.
The Hudson Rotary Club is a long established and highly-esteemed non-profit public service and charity organization that is part of a global network.
We will be meeting at 10 AM [feel free to arrive at 9 AM if you want to help set up] on Saturday, May 20, to spread about 145 cubic feet of mulch that has been donated by Almstead Mulch of Ghent, NY, around the twenty-two trees and several bushes in the park, under the direction of our professional landscaper David Dew Bruner, who is on the Friends of the Public Square board, and who has extensive experience from NYC parks, including Riverside Park in Manhattan.
Please bring your own bucket and [gardening] gloves; If you do not have them, we will have some buckets and gloves available on the site. We hope to complete the work, but you should feel free to leave at any time that suits your personal schedule.
Special thanks to Superintendent Rob Perry of the Hudson City Department of Public Works for arranging to truck the mulch from Ghent to the park, as well as for other ongoing gracious support from him and his department.