Free Family Hike
Looking to get outside with your family this weekend? Look no further!
Join Whale of a Trail for a fun-filled and free Family Hike, a great way to explore the outdoors as a family in a supportive community. Meet up is at Borden’s Pond Conservation Area in Chatham, NY.
This hike is for families with kids of all ages as well as expecting parents and care givers. Borden’s Pond offers mostly wide paths and some small board bridges over wet areas, which preschoolers, in particular, love. These trails are for walking only. Sorry, no strollers on this hike. There will be structured kid carriers to try.
Gather at 10am. Set off at 10:15. Meet in the parking lot.
Preregistration required. Email (hello@whaleofatrail.com) or call (518-288-6842).
Looking forward to seeing you there!