Frenchy and The Punk & Dust Bowl Faeries at Colony Woodstock, Sunday June 27
Join Frenchy and the Punk & Dust Bowl Faeries for and evening of dark carnival music at Colony Woodstock’s outdoor garden stage this Sunday, June 27th.
Food/drinks available (self service).
Socially distanced picnic tables with umbrellas, open seating.
5:30 – 9:30pm, free/donation
22 Rock City Road, Woodstock NY
Frenchy and the Punk: 5:30 – 7pm
For more than a decade Frenchy and the Punk, the quirky duo based in New York’s Hudson Valley, have been refining their own voice in many quadrants of the Balkanized post-punk world. They have essentially invented their own genre in which punk vitality and drive meets an evocative, cinematic way with exotic melodies and European-inflected percussive textures. Their show, “like a Steampunk fairy tale with a serious case of wanderlust,” is a carnival of two that will take you from the Moulin Rouge to CBGBs and back again. A rollicking cabaret rock show with Taiko meets Rio de Janeiro pounding drum instrumentals. http://www.frenchyandthepunk.com/
Dust Bowl Faeries: 7:30-9:30pm
Dust Bowl Faeries is a dark-carnival band from the New York Hudson Valley. Their eclectic repertoire of songs draw inspiration from circus, post-punk and Eastern European folk music. Accordion, singing saw, ukulele, lap-steel, acoustic guitar and percussion combine to create the Dust Bowl Faeries otherworldly sound. The band was founded by Ryder Cooley (faerie queen) and her spirit animal Hazel the Ram, with Jon B. Woodin (rocket faerie), Rubi LaRue (feisty faerie), Liz LoGiudice (river faerie) & Andrew Stein (time faerie).