Hudson Restorative Justice Week and Community Circles
Hudson Youth Center and Bindlestiff’s Cirkus After School present:
Hudson Restorative Justice Week and Community Circles
A week of Restorative Circle Keeping training for teens and young adults by The Restorative Center, plus two free Community Restorative Circles, open to all
Friday August 19 6pm – 8pm Hudson Youth Center 18 S. 3rd Street Hudson (enter via alleyway between Union and Warren Streets)
Saturday August 20 11 am – 1pm Kite’s Nest River City Garden, 59 North Front St.Hudson NY 12534 (use Dock Street to access)
Semana de Justicia Restaurativa de Hudson y Círculos Comunitarios
Una semana de entrenamiento de Restorative Circle Keeping para adolescentes y adultos jóvenes a cargo de The Restorative Center, más dos Community Restorative Circles gratuitos, abiertos a todos
Registration for Circles here: https://trcteam.formstack.com/forms/hudson_week_of_rj
logo by Jabin Ahmed