Home Events - Trixie's List Artist Talk Arts BIPOC Community Event Poetry Writing INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE LOVERS: Dawn Lundy Martin and Ariana Reines

INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE LOVERS: Dawn Lundy Martin and Ariana Reines

Come to the Flow Chart Space for a reading by poets Dawn Lundy Martin and Ariana Reines on the occasion of INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE LOVERS being released by Nightboat Books, a taught, tender collection of poems woven with sadness and loss dealing with aging, attachments, and the precarity of life.

Don’t miss these two stunning poets in discussion and reading their work!

Reception to follow the reading.

Audio of the event will also be livestreamed through WGXC—”radio for open ears”—our local partner streaming radio station.


Dawn Lundy Martin is a poet, essayist, and memoirist. The author of five books of poems—Good Stock Strange Blood (2019 Kingsley Tufts Award for Poetry); Life in a Box is a Pretty Life (Lambda Literary Award for Lesbian Poetry); DISCIPLINE; A Gathering of Matter / A Matter of Gathering; and Instructions for The Lovers—her nonfiction can be found in n+1, The New YorkerPloughsharesChicago Review, and Best American Essays 2019 and 2021. Martin was a 2022 USArtist Fellow, inaugural Toi Derricotte Endowed Chair in English at the University of Pittsburgh, and founding Director of the Center for African American Poetry and Poetics. Currently, she is Distinguished Writer in Residence at Bard College.

Ariana Reines is the author of A Sand Book, winner of the Kingsley Tufts Prize in 2020, MercuryCoeur de Lion, and The Cow, which won the Alberta Prize in 2006. Her Obie-winning play “Telephone” was produced by the Foundry Theatre in 2009 and has been translated into Norwegian, Turkish, and French. Reines translated TIQQUN’s Preliminary Materials for a Theory of the Young-Girl and Jean-Luc Hennig’s Little Black Book of Grisélidis Réal, both for Semiotext(e), and wrote extensively for Artforum in its earlier incarnation. She has taught poetry and art as Mary Routt Chair in Creative Writing at Scripps College, Holloway Lecturer at UC Berkeley, as a visiting critic at Yale, and in community workshops at The Poetry Project and Poets House. In 2020, while she was a Divinity student at Harvard, Reines founded Invisible College, a lab for the study of poetry and the sacred. Wave of Blood, an auto-epistolary essay in poetry and talks, is forthcoming from Divided Publishing this fall, and The Rose, a new book of poems, will be out from Graywolf in April 2025.


Jul 13 2024


3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

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The Flow Chart Space
The Flow Chart Space
348 Warren Street, Hudson, NY 12534
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