Know Your Rights: Women Workers
Fostering Access, Rights, and Equity (FARE) for Women Workers in NYS
Join Stacey Salgado of the NYS Department of Labor for a presentation on employment rights and benefits especially important to women workers in New York State. This 1-hour presentation with Q&A includes useful information for anyone to know and share with others! In addition to general “Know Your Rights” information, we will highlight the current state of the Gender Wage Gap, Salary History Ban and Pay Equity laws, NYS Paid Family Leave, and new regulations about Pay Transparency and Rights for Nursing Mothers in the Workplace.
Date/Time: Monday, January 29, 6pm
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Registration: To register and receive the Zoom link, email columbiacountylibraries@gmail.com
This program is presented by Columbia County Libraries Association and the NY Department of Labor