Opening Reception: Annual Photo Exhibit of Columbia County Photo Club
The Claverack Free Library will host its annual photo exhibition in the Marilyn and Bob Laurie Gallery, where photographers of the Columbia County Photo Club will show works with the theme of “Birds.”
The public is invited to attend the show’s opening reception on July 28th from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. The show will be on display during library hours until September 8th, 2023.
The photo club was formed thirteen years ago to bring together people of all ages and skill levels. They share the love of photography and have created an atmosphere of camaraderie, education and growth through programs and the interaction of its members. The club meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 6:00 pm, weather permitting. The first Tuesday meeting is a field outing, the fourth Tuesday is held at the Hudson Area Library Community Room.
All meetings are open to the public, and membership is free.
” There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs. ” – Ansel Adams
The Claverack Library is located at the junction of NY Route 23 and NY Route 9H. Library parking is located at 629 Route 23B, Claverack NY.
For more information call 518-851-7120 or see www.claveracklibrary.org
Submitted photograph ©Ken Bovat