Operation Unite Benefit Classical Music Concert
Spencertown Academy Arts Center will host a benefit concert for Operation Unite on Saturday, December 2 at 3:00pm. The concert will feature Antony Bracewell on violin and viola, pianist Gili Melamed-Lev, and cellist Julian Muller playing music by Mozart, Piazzolla, Brahms, Mendelssohn, Saint Saens, and Beethoven. Tickets ($30 general admission; $10 students) may be purchased in advance via www.spencertownacademy.org and will be available at the door pending availability.
“Making a difference in the lives of our youth as they launch into the next phase of their lives is so important for our community,” says event organizer Craig Bender.
Based in Hudson, NY, the mission of Operation Unite is to produce well-rounded youth who will enter adulthood with a sense of direction, self-esteem, and social consciousness and subsequently reinvest themselves into the community from which they came. The organization provides rare and much-needed opportunities for local youth, opening their eyes to a bigger world of possibility. Services include tutoring and mentoring; assistance with college applications; college campus visits; community service opportunities; internships with local businesses; diverse cultural experiences; visual and performing arts outings; classes in dance, drumming, and yoga; free laptop computers and more.
Anthony Bracewell is a member of the Cayuga Chamber Orchestra. His recent performances include serving as concertmaster of the Geneva Light Opera Company, principal violist of the Salomé Chamber Orchestra, principal second violin of the South Florida Symphony Orchestra, and frequent guest appearances with the Shattered Glass ensemble. He is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in viola performance at the Juilliard School as a student of Paul Neubauer.
Pianist Gili Melamed-Lev is recognized for her artistic vision, unique artistry, and innovative programing. She is an engaging, multi-faceted pianist who enjoys a career as a soloist, chamber musician, and collaborative artist. She is the co-founder and artistic director of Jazz and Classics for Change, a concert series in Columbia County, NY, and Berkshires, MA, that is dedicated to connecting and healing through music in our changing world.
American-German cellist Julian Müller performs as soloist, chamber musician, and orchestral player in the United States and Europe. He has performed as a soloist with the Louisville Orchestra and appears frequently with the Orchestra of St. Luke’s, the Montclair Orchestra, Metropolis Ensemble, and as principal cello of the Berkshire Symphony. He is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Musical Arts at Rutgers University studying with Jonathan Spitz.
Founded in 1972, Spencertown Academy Arts Center is a cultural center and community resource serving Columbia County, the Berkshires, and the Capital region. Housed in a landmark 1847 Greek Revival schoolhouse, the Academy is located at 790 State Route 203 in Spencertown, New York. For more information, please contact info@spencertownacademy.org.