She’s Gone Missing: The Epidemic You Don’t Hear About, a Talk about Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women by Heather Bruegl
Hudson, NY – October 22, 2021: Hudson Hall and Forge Project present She’s Gone Missing: The Epidemic You Don’t Hear About, a talk about the urgent yet silent issue of missing and murdered indigenous women by Forge Project Fellowship Program’s Director of Education, Heather Bruegl, M.A. (Oneida/Stockbridge-Munsee). The talk takes place at Hudson Hall on Friday, November 5 at 6pm and is free with a reservation (proof of vaccination and masks required). Tickets and information at hudsonhall.org or (518) 822-1438.
Many do not realize that our country is dealing with an epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women. With numbers so high, why are they are under reported in the media, and when they are reported, why are indigenous people so often portrayed in a negative light? Why do the crimes so often go unsolved or unreported? What has the FBI done to help with this epidemic? How do we deal with it all?
Speaker and educator Heather Bruegl, a member of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin and first line descendent Stockbridge Munsee, brings her experience, knowledge and passion for Native American history, policy and activism to bear on the subject, including discussing the prevalence of ‘Missing White Woman Syndrome’ and how the media covers cases of missing middle- and upper-class white women compared to the lack of coverage in cases involving minorities. Bruegl offers an opportunity to “learn what you can do in and out of Indian Country to make sure that women – our sisters, mothers, daughters, wives, friends and girlfriends – don’t become a statistic.”
About Heather Bruegl
Heather Bruegl is a graduate of Madonna University in Michigan and holds a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in U.S. History. She has spoken for numerous groups, including the University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin-Madison, College of the Menominee Nation, the Kenosha Civil War Museum, Stockbridge-Munsee Band of the Mohicans, and the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin. She has also become the ‘’accidental activist’’ and speaks to different groups about intergenerational racism and trauma and helps to bring awareness to our environment, the fight for clean water, land justice and other issues in the Native community. A curiosity of her own heritage lead her to Wisconsin, where she has researched the history of the Native American tribes in the area.
About the Forge Project
Launched in 2021, Forge Project is an initiative to support leaders working in culture, education, food security, and land justice. Forge exists as a platform for people and organizations whose crucial work serves the social and cultural landscape of shared communities through a fellowship program, a teaching farm developed in partnership with Sky High Farm, community support, and a lending art collection.
Located in Upstate New York, on unceded, traditional, and ancestral lands of the Muh-he-con-ne-ok, Forge operates out of a building designed by artist and activist Ai Weiwei. The resources of Forge support organizations in the Hudson Valley and Indigenous peoples who were displaced by settler colonialism.
About Hudson Hall
Hudson Hall (www.hudsonhall.org) is a cultural beacon in the Hudson Valley, offering a dynamic year-round schedule of music, theater, dance, literature, workshops for youth and adults, as well as family programs and large-scale community events such as Winter Walk. Located in a historic landmark that houses New York State’s oldest surviving theater, Hudson Hall underwent a full restoration and reopened to the public in April 2017 for the first time in over 55 years. In 2019, through an extensive program encompassing live performance, art exhibitions, city-wide festivals, free community events and workshops, Hudson Hall served an audience of 50,000 and employed over 400 artists and skilled technicians, making it a valuable contributor to Columbia County’s $8 million creative economy. Approximately 70% of Hudson Hall’s programs are free of charge or subsidized to ensure equitable access to the arts.
COVID SAFETY: All ticket holders to live, in-person events intended for adults at Hudson Hall are required to wear masks and provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 upon entry. Read Hudson Hall’s COVID-19 Safety Policy.
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