Suspense!-with The Two of Us Productions
The Two Of Us Productions is pleased to present our 2nd installment of two exciting radio dramas one from Suspense Theater: “Love, Honor & or Murder” and “The Outer Limit” from Dimension-X. This performance is being presented on Saturday evening January 27th, 2024 at 7:00pm in collaboration with Roving Actors’ Repertory Ensemble (RARE) Inc.
In “The Outer Limit” we find that mankind has discovered the power of the atom, has used it to end a war, but is swiftly developing the atom bomb as a way to end civilization itself. A rocket pilot sent up for scientific research come back, not with scientific discoveries, but with a warning from the stars that continued use of the bomb will not only end war, but will end civilization on the Earth FOR GOOD!
“Love, Honor or Murder” introduces us to a certain not-so-happily married couple, Harry & Helen Blake. Harry is a hardworking cab driver who yearns for something better. Helen is equally tired of their life but thinks she’s found a way for something better but to get it needs to convince Harry to commit a murder!
The performances are free for all but you must regisster for the link.