Tales From The Crypt Cemetery Tour
Hudson Area Library presents a special tour of Cedar Park Cemetery: “Tales from Hudson’s Crypts”, led by Kelley Drahushuk, on Sunday, October 24, 12-1:30pm.
Registration is required and participation is limited to 18 participants. Mask wearing and social distancing at all times is required. Register by emailing brenda.shufelt@hudsonarealibrary.org or calling 518-828-1792 x106.
Long-touted as “a virtual treasure trove for historians and enthusiasts of American funerary art”, the Hudson Cemetery includes over 10,000 grave sites for a wide range of interesting and notable individuals, including the Proprietors and their ancestors, war heroes, famous artists, paragons of industry, disaster survivors and much more. Learn about the history of the original cemetery, more recent history and discoveries as well as its current layout. All attendees will receive a free map of Cedar Park with highlighted sites discussed in this presentation—do your own walking tour and make new discoveries!
Donations are appreciated but not required and they will support the archiving of the library’s History Room collection based on the history of Hudson, Greenport and Stockport.