Temple Israel to Hold Indoor Winter Tag Sale
PHOTO CAPTION: Tag sales are always treasure hunts. Finding something needed at a fraction of the retail price is definitely a discovery. Temple Israel of Catskill, 220 Spring Street, Catskill will be hosting a fundraiser on Feb. 19th and 20th – 8:30AM – 3:30PM. For further information call 518.751.8986.
Temple Israel to Hold Indoor Winter Tag Sale
CATSKILL – On Sunday, February 19 and Monday, February 20, a two-day tag sale will be held at Temple Israel of Catskill at 220 Spring Street (adjacent to the Thomas Cole House). Hours are 8:30AM – 3:30PM each day. This is the third winter tag sale the Temple has had and if past sales are any example, this one should have plenty of finds.
Brand new pocketbooks with tags (Nine West), vintage and old tools, good household items, lovely glassware, some holiday decorations and one-of-a-kind items will be for sale both days. The selection of items is still being inventoried, and new treasures are arriving daily.
Besides the sale, the Temple will hold its famed 50/50 cash raffle and two gift basket raffles. The latter includes a Wine/Goodies Basket and an Office Supply Basket. To satisfy shoppers’ sweet cravings, Temple bakers are supplying bake sale items including cookies, brownies, pies and other delicious treats – all homemade. Packaging will dictate whether to eat immediately, or bring home to share with other family members. Nothing tastes as good as freshly baked desserts!
This is the first of several events scheduled for 2023, the 100th anniversary of the founding of Temple Israel of Catskill. Catskill High graduate and lifelong member Rachel Wagman will sing in concert on the afternoon of Sunday, May 21. There will be a plant sale and bake sale on Sunday, May 7, and lunch will be at 12 noon with a speaker; seating for luncheon will be limited, reservations will be required. Further information on all of these events will follow.
“We hope to have great attendance,” said sale organizer Steven Mann. “As usual, we’ll take cash and checks and we’ve been accumulating merchandise since last Fall for this event. I definitely think it’s worth a drive across the river for our Hudson neighbors.” For any further information, call Steven Mann at 518.751.8986.