From their website:
TENTACLE is the Flow Chart Foundation’s public series of pop-up poetry projection interventions, created in partnership with Hudson Hall. We’re projecting from an upper floor of The Flow Chart Foundation across the street to the giant Nordic tent of Backbar in Hudson, NY. The series launches with “We,” from the Prague-based poetry and performance collective OBJECT:PARADISE.
Special thanks to Hudson Hall and Sage Carter, and Mark Allen of Flow Chart for essential technical support in making this series possible and to Michael Davis Architects for allowing us to project onto their property.
We keep vacuuming the house. We sold our shoes because we do not need them anymore. We cooked our girlfriend breakfast after she yelled at us. We brush our teeth twice a day as an event. We are excited to go to the store, to eat vegetables. We have found hidden secrets of our homes, our bodies. We have developed habits we are not yet comfortable with. We feel sorry for the delivery driver. We call our mothers and tell them we are sorry for not calling. We wash our hands when we come home. We think about our childhoods and smile. We clean new places in old rooms. We want our friends to call us so we call them. We want to be looked at so we look close at ourselves. We get haircuts in the living room & pay for the inconvenience. We want to be better cooks so we call our mother in-laws. We cry secretly in the other room while our girlfriend sleeps to not wake her. We want to be more creative and we are excited for a moment. We make our beds and are not afraid anymore. We tell each other It is ok. We tell each other we are not alone. Tell each other. Tell ourselves. It is ok. We are not alone. It is ok. We are not alone.