Walter Gurbo: Ancient Future. Recent Relief Paintings & Sculpture
Opening Reception April 16, continues through May 23.
3-8 pm Fridays 3-7 pm Saturdays/Sundays 11:30 – 5 pm
This exhibition includes ongoing live, in-gallery painting by Gurbo.
He reflects: “2020-21 Lockdown inspired my cardboard/ plywood relief adventure. It seems an appropriate reaction to these times. Is flat painting dead? . . .
I have found liberation in layers.” “I believe my work can inspire people as I have remained productive and joyful
transcending the grim reality that has been portrayed (during the pandemic and lockdown).”
Walter Gurbo is probably best known for his “DRAWING ROOM” appearing for 12 years on the back cover of the
then-prestigious New York’s Village Voice as well as The Chicago Reader. He also contributed hundreds of drawings
to The NY Times and many magazines. In 2013 he began reviving “DRAWING ROOM” on Facebook as a daily feature
and has so far created almost 2000 entries: https://www.facebook.com/walter.gurbo
Gurbo is a graduate of The High School of Art & Design and the Pratt Institute, and he
taught at the School of Visual Arts for many years. His painting and graphic work has been on display in
many group and several one-man shows in NYC, Japan, and upstate New York.
Many of these
artworks show Gurbo’s recent explorations into building out the (illusory) spaces of the flat painting into the
actual three-dimensions of a painted relief surface.
As Carlo McCormick wrote in appreciation in 2006, “Gurbo has an uncanny access to the subconscious.”
Local writer Eileen Erdu more recently adds, “Recent work is a reaction to our current state of chaos and confinement. Gurbo remains agile, sharp, and energetic–like his art. . . . As he ages, it becomes important for him
to get the work out. “To save the world,” he says, and means that the world should recognize in his work its own
absurdity, as well as its beauty and potential for joy. . . . This is a rare show, and a game-changing show for Hudson.” Will include weekly concerts.
For more information, email here.