Henry Hudson Riverfront Park
5pm to sunset
Free; all are welcome
Operation Unite NY/ POOK Drum Circle
Grand Pistachio Puppet Workshop & Performance
Silkscreen Upcycling by Wolfy Part II (Jef Scharf)
T-Shirt Waste Loom demonstrations by LikeMindedObjects
Hudson Hall takes over Waterfront Wednesdays with a fun, family-friendly evening dedicated to the art of upcycling and the stories behind what we leave behind. In addition to Waterfront Wednesdays weekly favorites such as a drumming circle, food trucks, market stalls, and free sailing on the Schooner Apollonia, families can enjoy making treasures out of trash and learning about the life cycle of the things we don’t recycle.
Activities & Events:
T-Shirt Waste Loom Demonstration with LikeMindedObjects
Bring your unwanted old t-shirts to weave!
Created in collaboration between LikeMindedObjects and artist Francesca Capone, the T-Shirt Waste Loom project empowers creative individuals to give new life and purpose to their discarded clothing. Volunteers will be doing a demonstration of the loom, so raid that bottom drawer t-shirt tomb and bring them down to the waterfront to be woven into wonderful new objects!
Silkscreen Upcycling by Wolfy Part II (Jef Scharf)
Donate your old clothing, totes, fabric and flags to Hudson Hall for silk-screening!
Wolfy Part II (Jef Scharf) is a Hudson-based artist and DJ whose free silkscreened upcycled creations were a hit at Winter Walk last year. Wolfy returns to work his magic on old shirts, totes or flags at Waterfront Wednesdays, this time bringing his mobile silkscreen press to print designs celebrating the Hudson River Valley using images from the Hudson Hall archives.
A limited number of items will be silk screened before the event to be given away for free at the riverfront. Have old shirts, totes, or flags you would like to donate? Bring them to Hudson Hall before Friday, August 12!
City of Trash Puppet Making
Who needs new toys when there is infinite fun to be had right inside your recycling box! Join puppet theater makers Grand Pistachio for a fun puppet making workshop using discarded objects and household items. No experience or registrations necessary and all materials are provided.
City of Trash Work in Process Puppet Performance
Enjoy an excerpt from Grand Pistachio’s upcoming production, City of Trash, all about the fascinating life of a New York City sanitation worker and the stories behind the items we hold dear and the objects we choose to toss.
City of Trash is a series of theatrical experiences for young people that makes visible the invisible work of sanitation, honoring sanitation professionals who keep society healthy and safe.
City of Trash is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, and with support from Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation.
Waterfront Wednesdays is made possible with generous support from the Hudson Tourism Board and with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Legislature and administered in Columbia County by the Greene County Council on the Arts dba CREATE Council for Resources to Enrich the Arts, Technology & Education.