Winter Walk at FPC Hudson
Winter Walk, a family favorite staple tradition of Hudson, will see a host of fun, musical, and participatory events at the First Presbyterian Church. Check out what’s on offer and mark your calendars for December 2!
12–3 PM “The Melting Pot” Soup and Singalong with Phil Roebuck | Delicious homemade soup is paired with shanties, spirituals, and folk tunes led by expert musician Phil Roebuck and a stellar ensemble of players on the steps of the church.
3 PM Harmony Project Hudson showcase performance | Vocal ensembles and string groups, Harmony Project Hudson showcases the work of its talented students!
6 PM Hudson Festival Orchestra Holiday Sing with the Hudson Community Choir | A festive Holiday singalong, led by the Hudson Festival Brass Quartet under the direction of Artistic Director Gwen Gould, featuring the Hudson Community Choir, led by conductors Andrew Stein and Sharece Johnson. The Holiday Sing will culminate in a spontaneous audience performance of the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah, as the Hudson Festival Brass Quartet sends us on our way down Warren Street with a festive holiday medley.
Free and open to all, no signup needed!