Wish You Were Hear Virtual Show with Lorkin O’Reilly
Saturday, March 20th (spring equinox!) please join Dust Bowl Faeries (duet) & Lorkin O’Reilly for the 6th episode of Wish You Were Hear virtual variety show produced by Corey Aldrich, streaming live from the Club Helsinki stage in Hudson NY.
The March 20th show features the of dark humor of the Dust Bowl Faeries, with special guest Lorkin O’Reilly. Dust Bowl Faeries will enchant and amuse you with dark cabaret songs on accordion, guitar and musical saw. O’Reilly will envelop you in a tapestry of exquisitely executed indie folk-rock ballads. Together the musicians will offer a sardonic salute to the one year anniversary of the closure of live music venues across New York, and the world. At the end of the show there will be a screening of Lisa M. Thomas’s Ghosts of Love animation, a Covid memorial video set to a Dust Bowl Faeries song.
Tickets are available on a donation basis to support the musicians. The show begins at 8:00pm ET/NY streaming from a private YouTube link, which will emailed to guests when they register for an eventbrite ticket.
TICKETS: https://helsinkihudson.ticketfly.com/e/wish-you-were-hear-v-135043640163/
EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/1113158965762536
EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/1113158965762536
MORE INFO: https://dustbowlfaeries.com/wishyouwerehere/