SUPER DARK PRESENTS: Dust Bowl Faeries + Frenchy & the Punk at No Fun, 275 River St. Troy NY. 8PM, free/donation ————————— FRENCHY AND THE PUNK is French-born singer and percussionist Samantha Stephenson and American Hardcore Punk veteran guitarist Scott Helland. Their music is flavored with a retro-80’s dark alternative post-punk vibe intertwined with 60s…
Tag: dark cabaret
Gothic Valentines Cabaret
Hudson Valley’s very own dark cabaret band Dust Bowl Faeries teams up with The Freemonts for a Gothic Valentines Cabaret at The Foundry in West Stockbridge, MA (near Great Barrington), with video projections by Lisa M. Thomas/Thin Edge Films SAT. FEB 12th Freemonts 7pm Dust Bowl Faeries 8-9:30pm The show will feature new macabre songs…
Frenchy and The Punk & Dust Bowl Faeries at Colony Woodstock, Sunday June 27
Join Frenchy and the Punk & Dust Bowl Faeries for and evening of dark carnival music at Colony Woodstock’s outdoor garden stage this Sunday, June 27th. Food/drinks available (self service). Socially distanced picnic tables with umbrellas, open seating. 5:30 – 9:30pm, free/donation 22 Rock City Road, Woodstock NY Frenchy and the Punk: 5:30 – 7pm…
Wish You Were Hear Virtual Show with Lorkin O’Reilly
Saturday, March 20th (spring equinox!) please join Dust Bowl Faeries (duet) & Lorkin O’Reilly for the 6th episode of Wish You Were Hear virtual variety show produced by Corey Aldrich, streaming live from the Club Helsinki stage in Hudson NY. The March 20th show features the of dark humor of the Dust Bowl Faeries, with…
Wish You Were Hear, Virtual Variety show at Helsinki
‘WISH YOU WERE HEAR’ Virtual Variety show at Club Helsinki, Saturday, January 23, 8pm Dust Bowl Faeries (duet) bring their unique sound to Club Helsinki Hudson for the third episode of Wish You Were Hear, a monthly music/variety show produced by Corey Aldrich, with special guest The Age. Broadcasting LIVE from the Club Helsinki stage in Hudson,…
Wish You Were Hear: Club Helsinki’s first live/virtual show w/Girl Blue & Dust Bowl Faeries duet
WISH YOU WERE HEAR (pilot episode) Saturday October 24, 8pm EST (New York!) WATCH HERE: Helsinki Hudson is opening their doors for the first time since March 2020 for the pilot episode of Wish You Were Hear, a live/virtual show produced by Corey Aldrich and presented by Helsinki Hudson. This first episode of Wish…
Dust Bowl Faeries Full Band, Live at Colony Woodstock Friday Oct 2
Dust Bowl Faeries are celebrating the upcoming release of a new album and an epic music video this Friday October 2nd at the Colony Woodstock outdoor stage, 7-9pm, (donation) Despite political turmoil and Covid gloom, the band will be playing two sets of dark carnival music featuring songs from their new album as well as…
Dust Bowl Faeries, Colony Woodstock (outside) 7-17
put on your masks and join us for 2 sets of DELIGHTFULLY LIVE music by Ryder Cooley & Jon B Woddin of DUST BOWL FAERIES at Colony Woodstock’s brand new Beer Garden Grille! Tables are safely spaced 12 ft apart with umbrellas. Carefully prepared food & drinks are available at the grille This is our…
Dust Bowl Faeries Midsummer Virtual Concert
Dust Bowl Faeries, dark carnival dream music Watch on facebook or twitch: twitch: A faerie-tale concert of original music on accordion, 6 string ukulele and acoustic guitar, featuring songs about animals, dreamy costumes and our taxidermy spirit animal, Hazel! (you might even meet our new faerie kitten, Persephone, Queen of the Underworld…) Dust…